The World’s Smart Cities Organization, hereinafter referred to as WSCO, is a privately owned company, legally registered in the UK, independent of all state bodies, political institutional system formations, as well as other socio-professional institutions and associations, is apolitical and has legal personality.
Through this Code of Ethics, we, the WSCO, strengthen the basis for maintaining and further developing mutual trust. In addition, the Code of Ethics supports us in providing a common system of values.
The values and principles contained in this Code of Ethics are reflected in WSCO’s provisions and recommendations. The observance by all WSCO members of these values and principles is self-evident.
The WSCO respects the laws in force and the various determinant provisions in the country and abroad. It is based on principles of proportionality, principles of law, fairness and transparency.
The procedural framework will be reviewed whenever necessary and in any case every 2 years and can be modified whenever needed.
The goals of this WSCO Code of Ethics are:
a. Regulation of collaboration and conduct relationships between WSCO members;
b. Regulating the WSCO members’ relationships with authorities, suppliers, beneficiaries of services / products that come within the scope of its members, media and civil society;
c. Regulating the relationships of its members in relation to existing organizations and associations at national and international level in the fields of interest of the smart city industry;
d. Continuously improving the quality of services and products offered to customers by WSCO members in the field of activity of members of the Association;
e. Regulating and stimulating activities to prevent and combat unfair competition in the field;
f. Other specific purposes established by WSCO General Assembly decisions.
• Policies are accepted by all members of the WSCO, which must comply with the rules and rules governing WSCO, including this Code of Ethics;
• Physical / legal persons wishing to become members of the WSCO must adhere to and comply with this WSCO Code of Ethics;
• Failure to comply with this Code of Ethics leads to the revocation of WSCO members following the analysis of the Board of Directors and the approval of the WSCO General Assembly.
• WSCO members will show mutual respect in any situation of professional interaction;
• WSCO members will use the membership of the organization as a means of professional development and will not promote this quality as a guarantee of the professionalism of its services / products.
• WSCO members will not communicate, directly or indirectly, any confidential information about the organization’s activities;
• Members will be encouraged to share (subject to confidentiality and proprietary rights) educational and professional information to other members of the WSCO;
• WSCO members maintain the highest professional standards and ethical behaviors in relationships within the organization. These include, but are not limited to, the use of databases and documents generated by WSCO outside / inside the organization;
Conflict of Interests
• WSCO members will make known to the parties concerned any conflicts of interest that arise, using any reasonable means to resolve it;
• WSCO members will promote products / services at events organized by the organization, only within strictly dedicated instruments (eg exhibitions, event sponsorship);
• WSCO members will be able to deliver / sell services / products to WSCO in a transparent way (as a result of a procurement process). This commercial relationship is NOT a conflict of interest.
Compliance with legislation
• WSCO members will not discriminate against ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability or nationality;
• WSCO members will pursue knowledge and observance of laws and regulations that are related to the activities of the organization and the professional sector they represent, in particular but not limited to those relating to labor law, payment of taxes and fees, health and safety standards at work, legislation on environmental protection.
Professional Responsibility
• WSCO members will observe the organization’s Statute and Rules, support their objectives and strategic plan, and give due respect to interactions with WSCO interests;
• WSCO members will not engage in professional malware, will distort authorizations / certifications granted by WSCO, and will not misrepresent their professional, educational, qualification, etc. issues.
Ethics in business relations
• WSCO members will be fair dealing with other members, competitors, suppliers and employees. No member will create undue advantage by manipulating, concealing, altering the truth, or other material acts or dishonest practices;
• WSCO has a policy of zero tolerance of corruption. This applies to all transactions and transactions made by WSCO members.
• WSCO members will not make deals with other members or competing companies to set prices, sales quotations or market share;
• WSCO members will not practice or encourage dumping policy. Such practices will be referred to the Board of Directors;
WSCO members are required to inform the Board of Directors of the organization of any individual or firm (members) action that is contrary to this Code of Ethics. The Board of Directors has the obligation to issue a resolution following the analysis.